Your Wedding Perfume or Cologne

Tiffany & Love Eau de Toilette for Him | Photo by Ashley LaPrade


Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue | Photo by Ashley LaPrade

Are you ready for one of my favorite wedding planning tips?
Buy your wedding perfume or cologne early!

“Typically, when a person smells something that's connected to a meaningful event in their past, they will first have an emotional response to the sensation and then a memory might follow. (Saplakoglu, 2019)”

That is right, I recommend one of the first things you should do after getting engaged is to go out and find your wedding scent. You may or may not get to this before tackling some wedding planning and that’s okay. But I suggest you go out and purchase your fragrance as early as possible. Take a look at some tips below when going out and finding the perfect scent.


You will want something that will evolve with you as you age, so ask yourself “can I see myself wearing this scent 30, 40, and 50 years from now?” You will see why in a second. I recommend finding a clean and classic scent that you and your partner will enjoy so don’t be afraid to go shopping together for this. 


My next tip is utilize the employee working behind the fragrance counter and let them pull options that match what you are looking for. You will be surprised at the fragrances they recommend and quickly realize that you would have never picked out some of those options for yourself. Trust the process and have fun trying new scents. 

You and your partner have your scents… now what?

Once you have your scents picked out you will want to wear them during key wedding planning moments. I am not talking about those evenings after work when you’re both on the couch talking wedding details. I recommend wearing your wedding fragrance during the following times. Of course, this list is just a recommendation so wear your scent whenever you want to.

  • Venue tours

  • One on one meetings with key vendors

  • Menu tasting

  • Cake tasting

  • Wedding related shopping (dress, suit, decor, etc.)

  • Wedding rehearsal

  • Rehearsal dinner

  • Wedding day

What you have just done is slowly create new sensory memories as it relates to smell. While the wedding planning process may seem like it takes a long time when you’re in the middle of it, once your wedding day is over it will feel like it all happened in a blink of an eye. Now you’ll have a bottle of perfume or cologne that you can continue to wear for special occasions. Every time you put on your wedding fragrance you’ll be transported to all those memories from your wedding. 

Times after your wedding to wear your special perfume or cologne:

  • Date night

  • Holidays

  • When you attend a wedding as a guest

  • Birthdays and anniversaries

  • Big celebrations

This is something both me and my husband did during our wedding planning process and it really works. Since the wedding, I have worn my wedding cologne and am flooded with memories of day trips to the winery, picking out our cake flavors, and trying on suits for the first time. This has been such a special detail that I am so glad we did. Now we each have our signature scents that we will always know are special to us. And an added bonus is that we always know what to get each other for holidays and birthdays anytime we see the other running low on their cologne. 

Want to read more about memories triggered by smell? Check out the information in the below sources section.


Saplakoglu, Y. (2019, December 8). Why do smells trigger strong memories? LiveScience. Retrieved August 8, 2022, from 


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